City lights vs. Neurons
City lights vs. Neurons Have you ever thought how similar night lights of a city (photographed from the space) and a neuron cell look? Now you can read more of the topic from our Kvarken…
City lights vs. Neurons Have you ever thought how similar night lights of a city (photographed from the space) and a neuron cell look? Now you can read more of the topic from our Kvarken…
LTU is hiring! One of our project partners, Luleå tekniska universitet (LTU) is hiring researchers in rocket propulsion and small satellite jobs. The application deadline for all positions is 10th of January 2021. More information…
Thank you for attending our Future Talk! Our Future Talk event on Urban sustainability and satellite-based data was successful thanks to our wide audience, expert panelists and our very talented host Katriina. Our professional panelists…
Conversation of the Urban Fabrics is on The latest Mega magazine is out and our Kvarken Space Discussions of Urban Fabrics has started. The same theme continues on our website. You are welcome to join…
The Digital Economy research platform at University of Vaasa – which is the lead partner of KvarkenSpaceEco project – and Regional studies arrange the future talk focusing on urban sustainability and satellite-based observation on the…
Radars Can Be Used In Satellites Did you know that radars can be used in satellites, too? In some cases they can “see” better than satellites. In this image you see that Sentinel-2 satellite rely…