The new book Space Business: Emerging Theory and Practice, published by Professor Arto Ojala from the University of Vaasa and Professor William W. Baber from Kyoto University, provides an in-depth exploration of the rapidly evolving space economy.

Heidi Kuusniemi and Arto Ojala.

In addition to Ojala and Baber, the book features also interesting chapters by our very own researchers from Kvarken Space Center and University of Vaasa – Mikko Punnala, Heidi Kuusniemi, Sofia Hassinen, Jari Ratilainen, Hafiz Haq, Minna-Maarit Jaskari, Marko Kohtamäki, and Khaled Abed Alghani.

The book highlights how private companies, rather than governments, are increasingly driving space-related ventures. From satellite data commercialization to space tourism, the “New Space” movement is redefining business models and innovation in the industry.

I hope that this book will inspire further research in the space industry and increase interest in its potential. It is a broad subject. Space business is an ecosystem with many players. This ecosystem can be examined and studied from many angles.

Arto Ojala

➔ Read more on University of Vaasa’s Newshub.

➔ Link to the book: Ojala, A., & Baber, W. W. (2024). Space business: Emerging Theory and Practice. Palvgrave Macmillan.

Further information
Professor Arto Ojala, University of Vaasa,
tel. +358 29 449 8544,

Some of the book’s contributors: Minna-Maarit Jaskari, Hafiz Haq, Khaled Abed Alghani, Heidi Kuusniemi, Marko Kohtamäki, and Arto Ojala.